Water Pressure In Faucet Is High: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Water pressure, the force that pushes water through pipes and faucets, is crucial for our daily tasks like washing dishes and taking showers. When the faucet water pressure becomes too strong, it might disturb your daily tasks. You might think that a water pressure surge is good for you but it can lead to problems such as high water bills, and damage to plumbing and appliances.

Due to the high water pressure in the faucet, a spray of water feels like mini hammers on your body when you take a shower. In this article, we will discuss what causes high water pressure in the faucet, its impacts, and how to regulate and maintain normal water pressure levels.

What Is Considered High Water Pressure?

Plumbing in most homes is designed to handle water pressure intensity ranging between 40-80 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). If the water pressure goes above 80 PSI, it is considered high water pressure.

However, in different areas, the PSI range may vary. The PSI range is decided by local authorities. You can contact your local authorities to know the PSI range in your area and then use a water pressure regulator to find out the actual water pressure of the water in your house.

Consistently measuring above the limit indicates a high water pressure issue in your plumbing that needs to be addressed to avoid potential plumbing damage.

Why Water Pressure In Faucet Is High?

Why Water Pressure In Faucet Is High?

High water pressure in faucets can occur because municipal systems might unintentionally pump water into homes at elevated pressures. The municipality has to supply water to different elevations across the city with a pressurized water supply. This may cause uneven water pressure and you get a high-flow faucet experience.

If your house is situated at a lower elevation compared to the water source, the force of gravity can amplify water pressure. As water travels from higher points down to your faucets, it gains momentum and pressure along the way and you get excessive water pressure in taps.

Pressure regulators or pressure-reducing valves might be in your house. These valves control the pressure of the water and maintain it at its optimal level.

When these valves don’t work properly, you won’t get a maintained level of water. You might get low or high water pressure. This can result in a surge of pressure that affects your plumbing system and faucets.

How Do I Lower The Water Pressure In My Faucet?

How Do I Lower The Water Pressure In My Faucet?

Step 1 – Locate the Water Pressure Regulator

Start with inspecting the water pressure regulator of the house. You will find it near the main water entry of the house.

If you have one installed in your house plumbing, you should check its setting. If it’s set too high, it might be making the water pressure in your faucets too strong. If you don’t have a water pressure regulator, you should install it to control the strong water stream from the faucet.

Step 2 – Check Individual Shut-off Valves

You might have an individual shut-off valve near faucets. This valve closes or opens the water supply for the faucet when you do any repair work.

If only one faucet has too much water pressure, you can adjust the shut-off valve underneath it. You can turn these valves in the off direction to slow down the flow of the water. It will reduce the intense faucet water force.

Step 3 – Clean or Replace Aerators

An aerator is like a little filter at the end of your faucet. If it’s clogged or dirty, it can mess with the water flow and pressure. Due to its clogged holes, water will come out from only a few holes. When water doesn’t get enough holes to come out, it increases its pressure. By cleaning the aerator, you can control the unusually strong faucet flow.

  • Before you start, turn off the water supply to the faucet. There are usually little valves under the sink – turn them clockwise to shut off the water.
  • Use pliers or a wrench to gently unscrew the aerator from the end of the faucet. If you have the aerator removal key, you can use it.
  • Fill a bowl or cup with vinegar and place the aerator in it. Mix half the quantity of water into the vinegar.
  • Let it soak for about 15-30 minutes. Vinegar helps dissolve mineral buildup that’s causing water pressure issues.
  • After soaking, take an old toothbrush or a small brush and give the aerator a gentle scrub. This will help remove any remaining gunk and buildup.
  • Rinse the aerator under cool water to get rid of the vinegar. Check to make sure all the holes are clean and clear now. Now reattached the aerator back to the faucet.

Step 4 – Replace Old Faucets

If you have a faucet that is more than 15-20 years old, you should consider changing it. Because older faucets sometimes lack modern pressure balancing or regulating valves that deliver consistent flow despite varying incoming pressure levels. Due to the lack of these valves, the old faucet escalated water pressure in the plumbing

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Use faucets that are good for dealing with water pressure issues. Upgrading faucets with a flow restrictor feature or aerator decreases the high water pressure. This one-time investment will save your monthly high water bill.

Impacts of Having Too Much Water Pressure

You might think that high water pressure in a faucet is not a bad sign but it impacts your plumbing, appliances, and money.

  • Due to a forceful tap water stream, your daily water usage increases, and it impacts the overall monthly water bill of your house.
  • Continuous high-pressure water delivery is not good for your plumbing. It causes extraordinary strain on water lines, pipes, valves, and joints of the plumbing. It may cause a leak or damage to the plumbing.
  • Some appliances are directly connected to faucets such as portable dishwashers, and washing machines. High water pressure is not good for these appliances. High pressure may damage their parts.


Is high water pressure only a problem for faucets?

No, the impact of high water pressure extends beyond faucets, encompassing appliances, pipes, and an array of plumbing fixtures.

How can I measure the water pressure in my home?

To measure water pressure accurately, you’ll need a water pressure gauge. These gauges are specifically designed to display the pressure in pounds per square inch (psi) and can be found at hardware stores or online.

Can consistent low water pressure be a problem?

While it might not be as immediately damaging as high water pressure, it can lead to several inconveniences and limitations in your daily activities.

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