4 Reasons Shower Head Not Working But Faucet Works

You have a long tiring day at work. You come home and turn on the shower to wash away the stress. But there was no water from the shower. To test if the faucet is functioning properly or not, you turn it on and you see the faucet is working fine. It is frustrating when shower head is not working but faucet works. It signifies the water supply is ideal, but there is a problem with the shower head.

It could occur as a result of a malfunctioning valve, shower head clogging, or any other problem. Starting the repair process depends on the issue.

Shower Head Not Working But Faucet Woks – Fix It In Easy Way

Shower Head Not Working But Faucet Works

Clogged Shower Head

As you enter the shower and turn on the water, nothing happens—or even worse, there is a weak trickle that hardly qualifies as a shower at all. That is a typical issue, and a clogged showerhead may be the root of it. You will still be able to get water from the bathroom faucet even if the showerhead is blocked.

Typically, sediment and mineral buildup develop over time. Hard water minerals might stick to the inside of the showerhead and finally stop the water flow completely. This may result in poor water pressure, irregular water flow, or even no water at all.

How To Clean a Clogged Shower Head?

Cleaning a clogged showerhead is a simple DIY project that requires only a few tools and materials. Begin by removing the showerhead from the arm – most showerheads come off easily with a simple twist, but if yours has a screw, you’ll need to remove that first.

After that, soak the showerhead in a bowl of vinegar for a few hours. The vinegar’s acidity helps in the dissolution of mineral deposits and sediment, allowing the water to flow freely once more.

Once you’ve soaked the showerhead, it’s time to scrub away any leftover buildup or dirt. Use a toothbrush or small brush to get into all the holes of the showerhead, giving careful attention to the little holes where water passes through. Be careful since these are the areas where accumulation is most prone to occur.

Rinse the showerhead with water after you’re done cleaning, then reattach it to the arm. You can once more take pleasure in a powerful, consistent flow of water with a clean showerhead.

Diverter Valve Issue

Diverter Valve Issue

An important part of your showering experience is the diverter valve. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to switch between the showerhead and the faucet; you would be forced to use one or the other. The diverter valve, however, may occasionally experience issues that call for repair.

A broken diverter valve could be the cause of your showerhead not working while the faucet is still operational. If this valve isn’t functioning properly, water may only flow through the faucet and leave your showerhead waterless. This valve regulates the flow of water between the showerhead and the faucet.

Fix The Diverter Valve Issue

  • To avoid any leaks while you are repairing the valve, start by shutting off the water supply to your bathroom.
  • After that, loosen the screw holding the faucet handle in place to remove it.
  • To reach the diverter valve after removing the handle, you must first remove the trim plate.
  • Examining the valve for any accumulation or debris that could be obstructing it.
  • Use a little brush or toothbrush to clear it out if you discover any.
  • It could be time to repair the valve if it is still malfunctioning. It’s not difficult to replace the diverter valve, but you must make sure you properly follow the directions of the manufacturer.

Water Pressure Problem

Poor or low water pressure gives an unsatisfying shower experience. With low water pressure, showerhead can’t work properly and you get no water from it.

How Get Water Pressure Back?

Get Water Pressure Back

Checking your home’s water pressure is the first step to take when experiencing issues with water pressure. If other areas of your house are experiencing low pressure as well, there might be a problem with your water main or municipal supply. The best thing to do in this situation is to speak with your water provider about the issue.

If the low water pressure is limited to the shower, the pipes leading to the shower may be the only source of the problem.

Inspect the pipes for leaks and obstructions because they might reduce water flow. While a clog might fully stop water flow, a leak can cause water loss and lower water pressure.

If the pipes are clear of leaks or blockages, the problem can be the water pressure regulator. A valve that manages the water pressure in your home is called a water pressure regulator.

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Low water pressure may be the result of a defective regulator. You might need to replace or change the regulator in this situation.

Find the valve where the water pressure regulator is located, and then turn the screw with a screwdriver either clockwise to increase the pressure or counterclockwise to decrease it. You can have a fully functional and pleasurable shower experience by fixing water pressure issues.

Faulty Old Shower Head

It’s possible that the shower head has to be replaced if it’s really old and not in good condition. An outdated showerhead won’t provide an adequate water flow. The showerhead’s body could be cracked or otherwise damaged.

How To Replace The Showerhead?

Twist the old showerhead off the arm after turning off the water flow. Use a wrench to pry open a stuck showerhead. You are replacing it with a new one, so don’t think about harming the finish of the old showerhead.

Clean the showerhead arm after removing the showerhead. Eliminate any accumulation there. While you tighten it with your hand, position the new showerhead on the arm. Turn on the water supply once the showerhead has been properly fixed, then test it.

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Is It Normal For a Shower Head To Stop Working After a Certain Period?

shower head

Shower heads are built to last a long time, but they may develop problems over time due to wear & tear, mineral accumulation, or other circumstances.

Yet, unless there is a serious underlying problem, it is not common for a shower head to quit operating completely. If your shower head has entirely stopped operating, it is most likely due to a blockage, a diverter valve problem, a water pressure issue, or a defective shower head.

In any condition, it is essential to identify the problem and take the required actions to resolve it so that your shower head works correctly.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace a Diverter Valve?

The cost of replacing a diverter valve varies based on several factors, including the valve’s position, the kind of valve required, and the plumber’s hourly fee. A diverter valve replacement typically costs between $150 and $350. Nevertheless, if additional concerns need to be handled during the replacement process, such as replacing a leaky pipe or repairing a malfunctioning shower head, the cost may rise. To learn the precise cost of replacing a diverter valve in your individual circumstance, request an estimate from a certified plumber.

Is It Possible For a Shower Head To Stop Working If The Water Heater Is Not Functioning Correctly?

Incorrect operation of the water heater can cause a shower head to stop operating, so yes, it is possible. The shower head is only one of the fixtures in your home that are served by a water heater, which also heats and supplies water to other fixtures.

Reduced water flow or no water at all might occur if the water heater is not operating properly and is unable to supply enough hot water to the shower head. To guarantee the shower head’s good operation in such circumstances, the water heater must be inspected and fixed.

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