Brita filter offers an easy and budget-friendly solution to clean the water directly from the faucet. To use it, it should be attached to the end of the faucet spout. So, when you turn on the faucet, you directly get clean water in the glass without any wait.
But like all good things, the filter does require occasional maintenance, and after a few months, the filter bottle must be replaced to ensure continued purity. Sometimes Brita filter stuck on faucet due to buildup, or improper installation.
With a little finesse and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can remove that stuck filter with ease and without damaging your beloved faucet. So, let’s take a closer look at some simple yet effective methods to unstick your Brita filter from your faucet.
Why Is Brita Filter Stuck on Faucet?
Brita faucet filter is designed to get clean water with improve the taste. It removes impurities from the tap water and improves the quality of the water. However, sometimes it may get stuck on the faucet and won’t come out when you try to remove it.
Buildup and Debris
Mineral buildup in your plumbing and faucet can result in a variety of issues, from reduced water flow to costly repairs. Also, if you use a Brita filter on your faucet, the buildup may gather in the area where the filter and spout meet, which may result in the filter becoming stuck.
When that occurs, attempting to remove the filter can be a time-consuming and difficult procedure. The filter’s threads may become covered by the buildup, making it challenging to unscrew and remove from the faucet. It could seem like you’re squeezing the filter while attempting to get it to release, but it just won’t.
Incorrect Installation
Installation of the Brita filter onto the faucet is pretty simple. Just twist the filter on the faucet spout and it will be connected securely. But if you don’t do it correctly, it may cause issues such as leaking or it may stick to the faucet.
When you twist the filter on the faucet, if the filter is not aligned properly, it would be wrongly placed from its actual location. A wrong-aligned filter won’t work properly. It will become lodged on the faucet, making it difficult to remove.
If the filter is not aligned properly on the faucet, you will need to use extra pressure to fit the filter and the result is it becomes overtightened. Overtighten filter won’t come out easily when you remove it.
When installing the filter, make sure the rubber gasket or O-ring is in place. This gasket helps in the building of a seal between the filter and the faucet, avoiding leaks and maintaining proper water flow through the filter. The Brita faucet filter can become stuck on the faucet if the gasket is missing or misplaced.
Filter Is Very Old
Brita filter is a trusted and durable product that performs longer in the kitchen. If your Brits filter is very old, there is a high chance that its threads are damaged and it may get stuck on the fixture.
When a Brita filter reaches the end of its lifespan, its quality becomes weakened, and the chances of its sticking on the fixture increase. Its reason is constant exposure to water and the elements. Brita filters are built of tough plastic that can handle high water pressure and temperatures, but after a while, the plastic may crack or break. Weakening the plastic can make it more difficult to twist the filter off the faucet.
How Do You Get a Stuck Brita Filter Out of a Faucet?
With the right approach, it becomes easy to remove a stick Brita filter from the faucet. Here are the steps, you have to follow.
It is not essential but for safety, you may turn off the water supply to the faucet. For this go under the sink and turn off the shut-off valve.
First, try to remove the faucet with the hand. Obviously, the filter is stuck so it won’t come out easily. Try to use extra pressure on the filter.
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Here you should use a pair of pliers or a rubber jar to provide a better grip on the filter and try to loosen it. Turn the filter in the counterclockwise direction with gentle pressure. Avoid to use much pressure, it may damage the faucet and filter.
Another tool, you can try is a strap wrench or a filter wrench to make a perfect grip on the filter. These tools are designed to make a tight grip on the filter and loosen it. If the filter is loosened with these tools, carefully remove it from the tap.
Possibly after using tools, you can’t remove the filter from the faucet because of buildup. Here you need to use a cleaning solution that contains white vinegar and water in equal quantities. Fill this solution into a spray bottle and spray it on the buildup area and let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes. After that clean it with water and then try to remove the filter.
Still, it won’t come out, heat up the filter. For this, use a hairdryer or any other heat generator. Don’t take the hairdryer too close to the filter. The filter is made of plastic and more heat will start melting its body. So, give it heat from 6 inches away.
These all steps are easy to follow and they will definitely remove the stuck Brita filter from the faucet. Once the filter is loosened, you can twist it with the hand and remove it easily.
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What Happens If You Overuse Brita Filter?
When you overuse the Brita filter and don’t change its filter cartridge, its cleaning ability will be affected and it won’t remove all impurities from the water.
Brita filters are built to clean 40 gallons of water in a single filter. For some people, this quantity is high so it is recommended to change the filter after every 3 months. The filter becomes useless after cleaning 40 gallons of water or using more than 3 months.
If a Brita filter is used beyond its specified lifespan, it may become blocked with contaminants, diminishing filtration capacity and causing water to taste or smell bad. Overused filters may also fail to remove hazardous impurities such as lead, chlorine, or other potentially harmful substances, posing health hazards.
Using an old Brita filter can also encourage bacterial growth, which can lead to the growth of hazardous bacteria in the filter and the water it filters. Bacteria can travel to the pitcher, dispenser, or bottle itself in some situations, causing disease if the contaminated water is drunk.
How Long Does 1 Brita Cartridge Last?
The lifespan of a Brita cartridge is determined by several factors, including water quality, usage, and model. A basic Brita filter cartridge is meant to filter around 40 gallons of water, or 151 liters before it has to be replaced. Nevertheless, this is only an estimate; the actual lifespan of a Brita cartridge may vary depending on the quality of the water being filtered.
For example, if the filtered water contains a high concentration of contaminants such as lead, chlorine, or other chemicals, the filter may become blocked and require more frequent replacement.
If the water quality is relatively good, however, the filter may last slightly longer than the recommended 40-gallon lifespan. Some Brita models may also come with a filter replacement indicator that alerts you when it’s time to change the filter cartridge.
James Lewis is a seasoned plumber and faucet enthusiast who shares his expertise on With over 15 years of experience in the plumbing industry, he’s passionate about helping homeowners find the perfect faucet for their needs. He’s also dedicated to empowering DIY enthusiasts with the plumbing knowledge and skills needed to repair and maintain their faucets.